Parade Application — Syttende Mai Festival - Stoughton Wisconsin


Sunday May 18, 2025 at 1:30 pm


We have begun preparations for the 2025 Syttende Mai Parade, to be held in Stoughton on Sunday May 18, 2025 at 1:30 pm.  We invite you to fill out and email or return the parade application and television commentary. Your application should describe your planned entry of Norwegian heritage and/or the Stoughton Community support in sufficient detail to enable the parade committee to evaluate its suitability for the parade. We hope that each participant will emphasize the Norwegian heritage of the Stoughton area. It is our intent to make the parade a safe environment for everybody.

 The Syttende Mai Festival and the parades are run by the Stoughton Chamber of Commerce, a 506 c 6 entity.  The parade committee and the chamber board of directors will evaluate entries following the guidelines below and reserves the right to deny entrance at any time to any unit it deems unsafe, inappropriate, or disruptive for any reason.


Please read through the entire entry guidelines and parade process before registering.



No hate groups will be allowed.  The Anti-Defamation League or the Southern Poverty Law Center lists of hate groups and local law enforcement will be consulted.

All entries and signage will only be allowed to state their name, logo, website, and phone number.  No slogans for non-Chamber members.  Entries that were in the 2019 & 2021 parade may be grandfathered in to include slogans. 


  • $100.00 for a commercial business that is NOT a member of the Stoughton Chamber of Commerce.

  • $100.00 for a politician/political unit.

  • There is no fee for non-commercial entrants, news stations, and festival sponsors.

Please make checks (No Cash) payable to: Stoughton Chamber of Commerce or Pay Online here.
No refunds are issued for cancellation due to inclement weather or your inability to attend.


  • Auto Insurance must be provided if any motorized vehicle or trailer or carriage will be in your unit.

  • Liability Insurance must be provided for any business.

  • Animal entrants must clean up after their animals.

  • A completed and signed application must be submitted.  Electronic signature is accepted.

E-mail questions to:


Bad weather like heavy rains, strong winds, lightning, and tornado will cause the parade to be cancelled or the start time to be adjusted.  The parade is rain or shine if not considered to be bad weather by parade officials, and won’t be rescheduled. Follow Syttende Mai Stoughton on Facebook and Instagram, or watch WSTO if the parade start time is adjusted or if the parade is cancelled.  Dress appropriately for the weather.



The parade line-up will be posted at by May 11 (one week before the parade). The line-up will also be sent to you via email.



Line-up check-in will take place between 10:30 AM and 12:30 PM on parade day. New this year, each float will be assigned a specific check-in time frame, which will be sent to the email provided during registration. Upon arrival, check in at the registration booth to confirm your unit and receive your final line-up number in case of any last-minute adjustments. Please arrive during your assigned time, as floats checking in after 12:30 PM may be placed in a different position in the parade line-up.



Parade Chairperson can be reached via email at

Syttende Mai Coordinator can be reached at 608-873-7912 at the Stoughton Chamber of Commerce.



The success of a parade of this size depends on cooperation such as you and other participants have shown us in the past.  We wish to express our thanks for your consideration and interest.

2025 Syttende Mai Parade Application

Deadline: May 1st at Noon

Syttende Mai Parade (not required for all floats)